Kindal Gammill

Kindal Gammill

Kindal Gammill is an undergraduate student at Mississippi State University pursuing a Bachelor of Music degree with a concentration in piano, where he studies with Dr. Rosângela Sebba. He is currently a member of MSU's Choral Department Tenor/Bass Choir and has served as a collaborative pianist at the collegiate and high school levels. In the Fall of 2022, Kindal began teaching piano and music theory through MSU's Community Music School and is a founding member of MSU's Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) chapter. 

In the spring of 2023, he was selected to present with colleagues at the MTNA National Festival in Reno, Nevada, and the Ragtime and Jazz Festival at MSU. In the summer of 2023, he also presented research with colleagues at the NCKP National Festival in Chicago, Illinois. Recently, he presented research with colleagues at the Mississippi Music Teachers Association.